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Breadfruit Flan

This recipe was inspired by Alberto Stevenøs loving partner. He love my desserts and challenged me to make the breadfruit flan. Well what actual happen is that I went on a search and learned the many way this wonderful miracle food can feed us. Well fork those who attend the Slow Down Dinner on January 26, 2014 has a first hand taste of this wonderful dessert which i present here . Try it, make it and enjoy it as much I do. Vegan no but I bet a create mind can make it so. Vegetarian and gluten free.
In choosing a breadfruit it must be full Maturity and medium ready. You will dice and boil the breadfruit in same was you dice and boil in same way you do a white potato.

Source: Cookbook in process Chef Tahirah (Entered by Tahirah AbuBakr)
Serves: Serving of 8

2 mashed breadfruit use foodprocesser
3/4 Cream cheese
2/3 natural cane sugar
13 oz can evaprorated milk
1/4 butter
8 eggs beat eggs add to breadfruit mix

Step by Step Instructions
  1. In you food processor, mashe breadfruit, melted butter, add sugar, cream cheese, milk, eggs and vanilla
  2. Process all of this together and now you are ready to pour it into a prepared baking dish. but first follow step below to prepare you sauce. Heat your over at 350` and bake 45 to 50 min. or until done test with tooth pick or sharp point on knive.
  3. Here two kind of sauce, a plan brown sugar sauce 1 cup Natural brown sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, stir and add i cup of water cook over med heat to overflow. Now pour some in the bottom of your baking dish and reserve rest for the top after you have baked the flan You can be create with sauce, instead of water us rum, or amaretto. 1/2 cup the liquid and 1/2 cup water. Enjoy the recipe


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