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V.I. Locally Grown Market: Week of August 24, 2014

Good Morning!
Your Locally Grown market is open and accepting orders! We’re offering beautiful fresh basil of a few varieties: Purple basil, which is an Italian Genovese type good for pesto and Italian dishes, Thai basil – great for stir-fries, and Holy Basil, an Ayurvedic herb that makes a delicious and healthful tea and is also used in southeast Asian cuisine.
This is the height of avocado season! Place an order for these creamy, rich, versatile fruits and make guacamole and dips; add slices to sandwiches and soups, even blend into smoothies and delicious raw desserts. You can stock up and freeze ripe avocado pulp mashed with lime juice for future enjoyment.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

With warm wishes,
Emma Haynes & your Locally Grown producers